Be the change you wish to see in the world (M.G)
At the foothills of the Himalayas, deep in the holy village of Rishikesh, lays the holy river Ganges and all of the aspects she attracts. Purification on a spiritual level but the loss of innocence on a physical level…
The Kali-Ma project was created after I had the honour of getting to know the young girls living on the banks of the Ganges, as young as four, in Rishikesh, India. These beautiful little humans (Intelligent and charming) were financially relied upon by families due to their social status, gender and skin colour. Selling flower arrangement to tourist, as an offering for the holy river, they walked barefoot, vulnerable and alone on a daily basis. They begged strangers up and down the river (Including myself) to buy their flowers, so they could return home with their worth in their pockets.
I spent weeks with these girls and saw and felt the sadness in their eyes. The innocence and the dignity lost in their souls was unforgettable. I have spent my career supporting non-profit organisations and so I wanted to use my experience to gift them with a platform to enjoy their youth (for at least an hour each week).
‘The Kali-Ma Project, named in essence of the Goddess of new beginnings, provides a safe and encouraging environment for the girls to explore the world of creativity and fun in learning. Art, music, dance, photography and language are some of the powerful and therapeutic tools used to unlock the girls joy and self-esteem.
‘TKP’ ethos is to use everything as a teaching aid, edible and not, so the girls are learning functional English along side everything else (As well as taking the edibles home to share with their families). It aims to help at least 20-40 girls annually, if possible more, as well as buy goods locally to support the surrounding communities.
All teaching equipment, running costs and rewards are self-funded however any support from their world family (in any way) would be deeply appreciated.
The girls will be rewarded for their dedication and passion through small but regular rewards from ‘TKP’ but you are able to reward them too if you wish. The girls knowing they have a grander belief system, beyond ‘TKP’, will hopefully add to their self-esteem and motivation.
Much love!